We share our many years of knowledge with others through a variety of publications. In addition to our own Communication Specials, we regularly write articles for national and international trade journals and publish practical studies.

Annual Reports 2017-2018 – International Design Trends and Tendences
September 2019
Annual Reports 2017-2018 – International Design Trends and Tendences (german)
Effective typography, captivating images, striking layouts, eye-catching illustrations and charts with a love of detail: these are the findings of our current analysis of international design trends and tendencies for the annual reports of the last two years. We have selected some of the most beautiful international annual reports and analyzed them in eleven categories: from typography and photography, to charts and illustrations, to integrated reporting.

MiFID II: What changes for Investor Relations? Influences and challenges for listed companies
June 2018
MiFID II: What changes for Investor Relations? Influences and challenges for listed companies (german)
MiFID II has been in force throughout the EU since the beginning of 2018. What does this mean for research services? How can investor relations teams adapt their communication strategy? An interview with Christian Bacherl, responsible for the Corporates & Markets division with a focus on capital markets and research at Baader Bank AG.

Online Investor Relations and Corporate Governance – Status Quo among Swiss listet companies
November 2017
Online Investor Relations and Corporate Governance – Status Quo among Swiss listet companies (german)
We have had a close look into the corporate websites of middle- and big-sized listed companies in Switzerland, with respect to Investor Relations, Corporate Governance and Usability. The results and best practices are presented in this publication.

Strategic communication – The impact of CEO communication on company valuation
August 2017
Strategic communication – The impact of CEO communication on company valuation (English)
Communication professionals all over the world emphasise the importance of CEO communication not only as a crucial success factor for companies, but also as a driver of a company’s market value. A recent study of the impact of CEO communication on a company’s value provides a new perspective regarding the extent of its impact on the valuation by financial analysts.

Investor Relations – Win investors with a convincing Equity Story
April 2017
Investor Relations – Win investors with a convincing Equity Story (English)
Equity Story is an omnipresent topic for a listed company. For companies preparing for an IPO, it is an essential element for attracting investors and succeeding long-term in the capital markets. A convincing Equity Story should always be tailored to the business model and strategy.

Integrated Reporting
September 2013
Update May 2014
Update October 2016
Integrated Reporting (German)
Integrated Reporting has been proclaimed the future of external corporate reporting. As early as 2013, PETRANIX researched the status quo of Swiss reporting on the basis of the consultation drafts of the International Integrated Reporting Framework. In a subsequent 2014 update, we explained the principal changes and additions to the final Framework document of the consultation draft. In a third volume on the subject in 2016, we focused on the two main themes of materiality and gap analysis.

Annual Reports – International design trends and tendencies
October 2015
Update June 2016
Annual Reports – International design trends and tendencies (German)
Strong typography, authentic photography, the revival of illustrations and many other topics: international annual reports from 2014 and 2015 were closely examined from a creative point of view and they provided interesting insights.

Management report – New challenge for Swiss companies
October 2015
Management report – New challenge for Swiss companies (German)
Starting in fiscal year 2015, the new Swiss law on accounting and reporting for larger companies prescribes a management report as part of the annual report. The analysis shows the current status of the still-voluntary management reporting rule and identifies best practices among large as well as medium-sized and small Swiss industrial listed companies.

Compensation reports – Swiss companies under review
November 2014
Compensation reports – Swiss companies under review (German)
Following the Swiss Ordinance Against Excessive Compensation at Public Corporations (VegüV), the study analyses current practice in remuneration reporting and shows potential for improvement. It was carried out in co-operation with the University of St Gallen.

Active Investors (German/English)
Twenty years after the introduction of the Cadbury Code, which significantly advanced the development of corporate governance, the European Commission launched an action plan to improve corporate governance in December 2012. With this modernisation campaign, the EU wants to accelerate shareholder engagement and thus promote a more active shareholder base. For this publication, Dr Petra Nix interviewed Prof Dr Karl Hofstetter, Board Member and Group General Counsel of the Schindler Group.

Institutional Investors - On the way to more engagement?
April 2012
Institutional Investors - On the way to more engagement? (German/English)
Since the 1990s, the topic of corporate governance has increasingly gained in importance. With each new crisis, the call for improvement gets louder. What role can institutional investors take on in the area of shareholder engagement? An interview by Petra Nix with Ingo Speich, CFA and Senior Portfoliomanager at Union Investment, also raises the question of the influence of capital markets on good Corporate Governance.

Switzerland | Germany – Shareholder letters under review
October 2010
Update September 2011
Switzerland | Germany – Shareholder letters under review (German)
Shareholder letters of the 20 Swiss Market Index (SMI) companies in 2009 were put through a thorough analysis. In a follow-up study, the 2010 shareholder letters of the 20 SMI companies were compared to those of the German DAX30 companies. The finding was that German shareholder letters were more dialogue-orientated than those of their Swiss counterparts.

Social Media – Online strategies
June 2011
Social Media – Online strategies (German)
How companies can use social media for the success of their businesses.

The supervisory board between expectations and reality
June 2011
The supervisory board between expectations and reality (German/English)
The role of the Supervisory Board has become more varied and demanding in recent years. What characteristics should a Supervisory Board have and how can successful Supervisory Board activity be ensured over the longer term?

Earnings season round up 2010 - Communication of the results: Evidence from Swiss corporations
May 2011
Earnings season round up 2010 - Communication of the results: Evidence from Swiss corporations (German/English)
Publication of the annual financial results is a significant event for a listed company in the course of the fiscal year. This was reason enough for us to have a closer look at the current practices of the largest listed companies in Switzerland.
To receive a copy of a Communication Special, please send a request to:

The Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance (2013)
Corporate governance has gained significantly in importance over the last two decades. The shareholder base of listed companies has become more international. As a result, the influence of independent institutional investors has increased. This study examines the situation of listed companies in Germany.
“This is a timely, in-depth study of an increasingly important topic for German companies. Too often, the nature and interest of institutional investors is not properly understood, which raises concerns about their role in the governance of companies. The findings presented in this valuable contribution demonstrate that more informed and constructive dialogue between long-term-oriented investors and management and supervisory board members is in the interest of all corporate stakeholders.”
(Dr Hans Hirt, Executive Director, Hermes Equity Ownership Services Limited)
The book can be ordered here.
Download as PDF:
«A review of Investor Relations Websites»
Going Public Special «Capital market Switzerland», October 2017
«Shareholder Democracy – Reality or Wishful Thinking?»
Going Public Special «Capital market Switzerland», October 2016
«Quo vadis, annual report?»
Going Public Special «Switzerland», December 2012