When you work with us, you don’t need any third parties for implementation. We offer an A to Z of all services for your communication process.
Identification of recommended actions and potential for improvement
Convincing concepts and targeted positioning
Strategy and planning
- Reputation management
- Issues management
- Crisis communications
- Development of concepts and strategies for reporting, sustainability and communication
- Development of performance indicators
- Development of case studies
- Multi-channel concepts
- Online concepts
- Implementation of in-house seminars and workshops
- Integrated Reporting
- Content and communication concepts for management reports, sustainability, corporate governance, remuneration reports, etc., taking into account relevant statutory rules and requirements
- Set-up of reporting in line with the GRI framework, including a materiality matrix
- Production of company reports (print and online)
- Ongoing consulting on content, concepts and design
Capital markets communication
- Organisation and implementation of press and analyst conferences
- Writing and aligning of press releases and ad-hoc announcements
- Creation of analyst, investor and corporate presentations
- Organisation and implementation of roadshows
- Capital market transactions (IPO, IBO and M&A)
- Capital market story, key messages and slogans
Authentic, unmistakable, modern, functional
Competent support throughout the process
- Co-ordination and alignment between the client, PETRANIX and external service providers (e.g. printers, translators) throughout the entire project
- Creation and monitoring of timetables
- Cost and budget control
- Procurement and preparation of third-party services
- Experience in the use of various content management systems
- Production management and printing approval
Convincing, comprehensible, to-the-point
- Storyboard development
- Copywriting – including of specialist text such as management, remuneration and corporate governance reports
- Copyediting
- Development of company-specific wording and corporate language guides
- Co-ordination and selection of external writers (e.g. trade journalists) and translators
- Proofreading